woensdag 31 augustus 2016

Stop Clinging.

Russia finds Possible signal at 11 GHz frequency from sun-like star.  Could it be a transmission from a technically proficient society? (read full story here)

At this point, we can only consider what is known so far.

"Energy is life, Life is growth in constant being from death and birth is all intertwined 
with the glow of the earth in heavenly skies." 
Fragment from my soulmessage and painting 2016.1 for the world.

During the making of the painting the vision showed longtime friction, movement of the earth which would at a certain moment split open because of the constant pressure that became unbearable. 
Water would sprout out of it and would dissolve a huge part of land. 
It was all unforeseen, unpredictable and there would be many deaths. 

At the same time of the catastrophe a huge enlightened being (energy?) surrounded the unaffected part of the world. As it protected it for the catastrophe. 
Also, around the same moment extraterrestrial movement would come to the surface and would be seen by more then one person. Even I received the message that it might have been seen already but that astronomers stayed silent about it. (See My VideoMessage here )>>>now that is very related to the story of Russia who received this signal already in May 2015 but didn't tell anything about it until now. 

A second drawing (see below) 'the waterserpent and its seven stars' told me that the impact of the possible catastrophe had lessened but that it still would happen. 

I wonder if the earth is still under this friction or was it all about the earthquake in Italy? Two days before the earthquake my whole being was attracted to something that was calling me. 
Close friends noticed it an told me that I was acting strange. The only thing that stays close to me of these days was the air that was talking to me and my whole being that shivered.

 It can also be told that the air is still calling me with this indescribable silence. To be continued???

Dear astronomers, scientists a little message for you:
Noli me tangere, do not cling to it!
Let the mud settle down by itself, you don't have to put any effort to get the water clear.
 It will do it naturally.

Sometimes its better to stay silent, to let the unknown be where it is.
HD 164595, a solar system a few billion years older than the Sun
(see my painting 2016.1 above and pictures below)

HD 164595, a solar system a few billion years older than the Sun but centered on a star of comparable size and brightness, is the purported source of a signal found with the RATAN-600 radio telescope in Zelenchukskaya, at the northern foot of the Caucasus Mountains. This system is known to have one planet, a Neptune-sized world in such a very tight orbit, making it unattractive for life. However, there could be other planets in this system that are still undiscovered.

zondag 21 augustus 2016

Update 2016.1 : The observer makes peace with the insurmountable.


Vision received during the night of the 20th to the 21st of August

    Pencil Sketch on Cardboard 

Books are on shelves, 

music is in the sky, 

words are in our mouth, 

tongues sing like fire, 

soul is sound, 

color you with it.'

Fragment from soulmessage 
2016.1 for the world

Two magnetic blue violet light beings dance in the sky.
Their soft intense glow misleads with sweet intoxication
motion increases fluent energy into hectic, irascible energy.
...Sudden deathly silence reveals a dense lifeless gray sky ....
is split in half with a fiery impact
blinding white light heads towards the eyes of the observer
make peace with the insurmountable.


Credit: Jurik Peter / Shutterstock.com

Has a Hungarian lab really found evidence of a fifth force of nature?

dinsdag 2 augustus 2016

Update 2016.1: 'Russia, It moves... '

...Energy is life, 
Life is growth in constant being from death and birth is all intertwined with the glow of the earth in heavenly skies...


Researchers have previously described "powerful" methane plumes more than 1,000 metres in diameter bubbling to the surface of the Arctic sea.

Hundreds of millions of tons of methane gas are locked away beneath the Arctic permafrost, which extends from the mainland into the seabed of the relatively shallow sea of the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, according to experts.
Read More

Some researcher think there is serious reason to be concerned if gas bubbles appear in the permafrost zone’. These kind of earth change could have ‘unpredictable’ consequences.

Read more: http://www.messagetoeagle.com/bizarre-scary-jelly-bubbles-siberia-ground-moving-beneath-peoples-feet/#ixzz4GDWFx

vrijdag 29 juli 2016

2016.1Update: 'Let your light become the world.'

The axis will and can stay peaceful unless unseen forces turn the world upside down. 
Be aware that it is the unknown in you that shakes to be heard.
Turn your 'Self' on, Turn your inner being on...
Let your light become the world, 
Let your love move from the axis where the ocean of life is from the heart.
Give every moment from within to without and what you will receive is as you give.
To be is not to be and to let the divine will act 
from your innermost soul 
the world will know peace.


donderdag 28 juli 2016

A strait to (dis) connect.

"Raise the inner child to one verse that sees without any constrictions 

into the vastness of our being."

Fragment from poem 2016.1 SoulPainting for the world.

maandag 18 juli 2016

'The waterserpent' & its Seven Stars

Cover yourself with love 
is each tone colored with the vibration of your heart.

Pastel/Aquarel on Paper

'Let yourself be enlightened with divine light
so the energy of the world, our body and mind 
will dissolve into the highest thoughts 
and good 
for nature and us all.'

'Raising our consciousness changes the energy 
of the destructive water serpent 
into a loving and careful spirit 
that chooses for peace for all.'

Note to self:

*Be still and listen to the soul of your heart...hear its breath,
*While Life is constantly changing, choose your words and thoughts wisely
they have the power to create.

*In Celtic mythology the sea serpents 
were a terrifying creature that reminded people of their mortality
and often impending death.


The ancestors warned against the “Black Snake” that would come to poison Mother Earth. 

From acclaimed documentary filmmaker Shannon Kring comes END OF THE LINE, the incredible story of a group of indigenous women willing to risk their lives to stop the Dakota Access oil pipeline construction that desecrated their ancient burial and prayer sites and threatens their land, water, and very existence.


But there was another prophecy: the women, as the guardians of the waters and protectors of all life, would rise.

"Mothers stand up for the love of the children enlightens the world with the joy of their heart.In the name of your beloved...be without fear."


vrijdag 15 juli 2016

Just be...

... wherever you go,
be the soul of that place.

What you put after "I am" will shape your reality.
'I am soullove.'

dinsdag 12 juli 2016

Discover Bulgari's Latest seduction...The Serpenti.

dinsdag 28 juni 2016

Peace and quietness ...

...to relax and ‪‎heal‬ your inner ‪child‬, your ‪‎soul‬ and ‪heart‬.

zondag 26 juni 2016

2016.1 Update: Stay United from Within_SoulMessage for the world.

'God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, 
the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.' 
Reinhold Niebuhr

Dear Friends,

After #Brexit it is clear to me to exchange more information about the soulpainting 2016.1 and its message. My silence around it is grounded and will only tell which is relevant for us now.

During the next months there will be more updates posted. Follow me to stay tuned via facebook.com/mistapeois or www.youtube.com/user/mistapeois.

The split of the U.K. with Europe, as is explained in the video, has been shown to me in the beginning of the year in January. Some good friends are since that month aware of the message and events which might occur during the rest of the year.

The vision tells me that whatever will happen is for the best of us all, whether there will be people deeply affected we will also be protected by a higher energy coming from deeper realms. Still we also can help make the difference for us all to stay tuned in love, peace and harmony. It is by our higher consciousness that we can help lessen the impact of a possible event that might happen within some months after the split of the U.K with Europe.

The information that will be shared with you on my blog about 2016.1 will stay uplifting, positive and will be a message of love and peace. The following video is a guidance to keep up the good in us to stay integer in all our actions. May it give you strength to stay in truth with your higher being, your inner self.

The next months you will find more information about 2016.1 on my blog via the tab 2016.1.

It will be shown to you in a way that goes beyond words.

With love for You, All and Nature.

Do read also this inspiring article of Ram Dass Doing Your Own Being. Thank You.

vrijdag 3 juni 2016

Live your Inner Guide Free Session * 4 : 'Do as you are from the heart.'

LIVE YOU INNER GUIDE is a free way to broaden your perspective during little moments that we share together on my YouTube-Account. 
Each session talks about a theme that is lively received via my intuitive calling in the moment. Each session is also an introduction to my workbook/workshop ELYSSA GOES FOR YOUR BELOVED (in Nederlands-Dutch and English) which is launched in 2013 after the publication of my book Elyssa. For more info:http://hildegardelisafollon.blogspot.be
The book and workshop are an inner guidance that directs you to the mission of your soul. They are a guidance on the road to your self-realization and give you paintings, exercices and meditations that let you reveal your true essence, your souls mission. 
More info: https://www.hildegardelisafollon.blogspot.be

Dive into Your Inner Guide Free Session * 4 and do comment from the Heart why you should win your Personal Soul Message.
Follow these links to previous sessions Dive into Your Inner Guide Free Session * 3 / Dive into Your Inner Guide Free Session * 2 / Dive into Your Inner Guide Free Session * 1
We will let the moment decide who will win the message intuitively received by Hildegarde Lisa Follon. Good luck! Visit also https://www.mistapeois.blogspot.be

Since my childhood I receive messages, colors and symbols that give direction on your path of inner development and awareness. People who are supported with the flow of the received words and energy are still thankful for the insights and guidance that came out of it.
May the message shared here with you give the support to let you feel protected and loved. May it give you the strength to let you make the step towards a more joyful life in tune with your divine You.
Please share in a comment how you experienced our moment together? What makes you step on the road of your Souls'Mission?

dinsdag 3 mei 2016


Dear one,

Each year my hand, an instrument of the breath of the universe, 
paints a message for the world on the blank canvas.  
During this process several visions, images, symbols appear
that tell me about possible events that might occur in the current year.
The painting shares a message for the world
 which is a possible guidance during crucial moments in each souls life.

What stayed strongly vivid after painting  the message for 2016 
was the revelation and connection with other life forms.

 Also a possible disaster, a split of a continent?
or a part of a country, population? that would disappear was shown to me.
It was like something under the sea level would cause a huge explosion, 
before this happening the earth plates were moving a lot, from this extreme movement something arose out of the water, it was like a huge eruption of earth, water and fire? Like the sea opened up in two huges waves while something was spit out in between.
Even when the loss might be big it was told that this was a necessary step into the process of 
being higher connected to the world's consciousness. 
There was also a huge protection visible around the earth during this event
which would help lessen the impact of the disaster on earth.
'It felt like a huge loving and caring embrace, 
as a mother that embraces her child,
 that came from an indescribable source. 
It was that big and enlightening 
that it gave a great trust that all was well.'

(Although time is relative, it seems that this might happen around August or September, 
am not sure about the year, most messages come true within two years)

For information about your personal soul message visit this link soulpainting or ask any questions via the contact page.

May it give you any kind of support which you need right now.

Cover yourself with love 

is each tone colored with the vibration of your heart.

Its sounds are truth from the soul of our world

and raise the inner child to one verse

that sees without any constrictions

into the vastness of our being.

Books are on shelves,

music is in the sky,

words are in our mouth,

tongues sing like fire,

soul is sound,

color you with it.

Energy is life,

Life is growth

in constant being

from death and birth is all intertwined

with the glow of the earth in heavenly skies.

Our mother spreads its wings around the earth

and gives with all her might the wonder of you in each of us.

Let her sound be your source that keeps us safe in the haven of the covenant

                                                                                   is all together and all inside. 
                                                                                   Let it speak and give it rise to all. 

For You With Love

As the importance of the message becomes more and more clear to me
 my soul will share via this blog post about events which might be related to it.
It is my soul who feels obliged to share this information with you. 
Whether it is right or wrong  may it bring you that support on your way beyond it.

Subscribe to the blog to follow the updates or ask for the free newsletter via the contact page.

  1. People around the world cheered yesterday morning (Feb. 11) when scientists announced the first direct detection of gravitational waves — ripples in the fabric of space-time whose existence was first proposed by Albert Einstein, in 1916.
  2. Jaipur: Groundwater depletion in India is a calamity that now calls for urgent measures. What is less well known, though, is that Earth's spin around its axis too is especially sensitive to changes in the mass of water beneath Earth's surface.
  3. Scientists at MIT have found that there is an invisible field that protects our planet
  4. For he first time, researchers have discovered three potentially habitable, Earth-like worlds orbiting an ultracool dwarf star 40 light-years away in another star system, according to a study published in the journal Nature.
  5. Update 7th June 2016: Siberia crater 'Gateway to the Underworld'Melting permafrost a huge problem for the planet not only is the Batagaika crater in Siberia widening each year, but it’s producing dangerous levels of gas, which should ring alarm bells for the world. Scientists say the crater holds the secret of our planet’s past with soil found at the site dating back 200,000 years as it can reveal environmental changes.My Mind wonders...Can it, the crater, be linked to the AMU DARJA river? 

    But the majestic River floated on,Out of the mist and hum of that low land,
    Into the frosty starlight, and there moved,Rejoicing, through the hushed Chorasmian waste,Under the solitary moon: — he flowedRight for the polar star, past Orgunjè,Brimming, and bright, and large: then sands beginTo hem his watery march, and dam his streams,And split his currents; that for many a leagueThe shorn and parcelled Oxus strains alongThrough beds of sand and matted rushy isles —Oxus, forgetting the bright speed he hadIn his high mountain-cradle in Pamere,A foiled circuitous wanderer: — till at lastThe longed-for dash of waves is heard, and wideHis luminous home of waters opens, brightAnd tranquil, from whose floor the new-bathed starsEmerge, and shine upon the Aral Sea.Matthew ArnoldSohrab and Rustum
  6. "If there were a planet or a brown dwarf or whatever that was going to be in the inner solar system three years from now," Morrison said, "astronomers would have been studying it for the past decade and it would be visible to the naked eye by now." 
    My soul is no supporter of conspiracy theories still it feels like passing on a bit more info about the message that was received. Please take in mind it might be wrong (actually it would be great to see its wrong).
    The event shown to me in the beginning of January, would not be visible for the eye, it could neither be measured by any machine and would occur from nothingness. A huge catastrophe might possibly happen yes. It was told it would NOT BE THE END OF THE WORLD. Am still questioning the impact of such a disaster on the continuation of our species.
  7. Juno Mission arrival at Jupiter 4th of July: (see main page) and read also
    This is the first time a spacecraft will orbit the poles of Jupiter, providing new answers to ongoing mysteries about the planet's core, composition and magnetic fields.  It might be good to study these magnetic fields yes and give answers as soon as possible about it. Thank you to all scientists.  Stephen Hawkins Life in the Universe is a great lecture that should be read too.
  8. Exploring Jupiters magnetic field Magnetospheres are the result of a collision between a planet's intrinsic magnetic field and the supersonic solar wind. By studying Jupiter's magnetosphere, scientists will gain a better understanding about how Jupiter's magnetic field is generated.

zaterdag 16 april 2016

For You Father, Mother and Child who lost their spouse and parent.

'In the silence of our togetherness, I am without words.'

This video is dedicated to the members of my family who lost this week their loved ones.
It is dedicated to all people who grieve.

It is dedicated to all fathers and mothers who stay alone with their children.

Keep up, keep up,...keep standing and have faith...you are never alone.
Love conquers all.

With love for you all.

Painting and message intuitively received for a courageous father 
who lost his spouse, 
and for his little children who lost their mother.

Do you remember, 
then in the field
the sun warmed us with the heart of our love
The heath embraced each life
with the silence of our togetherness
 There I am for you
each moment again
unconditionally flowering for the suns in my heart that you are.
Shine my dear little children
my magnificence of a man
Your power is eternally immersed in myself
and lives for the creation that came from our love.
Stand in your source 
and come to me in the silence of our togetherness
so that love embraces you with eternity 
that connects us.
I love you.

donderdag 7 april 2016

Nights breeze in satin silk

Love's creation is without borders and speaks from the heart.
Any form is, any color is,
the source of each
vibrates as the soul of the world
connected with us all
is language universal in any expression
without words you see beyond
and let it speak.

"All creation is divine energy
flows from life's essence sprouts light
into universal connectedness 
being the soul of 
the heart lets the world 
on the waves of consciousness
higher then itself knows any 
with love's vibration language is magnetised
from the nameless is wisdom
in each of us
Let it speak. "

When my hand draws silence, joy arises on the blank page.
Curves and lines start to dance while the pen sings its song.
The rhythm flows from an ocean filled with love's drops refreshing
each movement with the breath of the essence.
It is indescribable and still like poetry plays with words
my soul loves to write.


woensdag 23 maart 2016

Inner Peace For All

We can do something together. Let's spread light, joy and peace from our heart to our houses, to each one we meet,... in the street, at our work,... Lets reach our hands to each other so we can walk through this together...With love for all.

maandag 14 maart 2016

You are loved. You are protected.

SoulPainting for us all to support us all after the bomb attack in Turkey Ankara. 
Let's share our peaceful heart in this world.'

With Love For You.

vrijdag 19 februari 2016

Let It Speak And Give It Rise To All

This video is a continuation of the message of the painting for us all about the year 2016.

There is an extra touch given with my voice (pure and unedited) (after 2 min.) that sends healing vibes to you via its waves.
Listen to it with headphones on while you meditate upon the colors, symbols and words that you see.

Readers who subscribe for my newsletter
will receive a free meditation which is linked to this painting, its words and sounds.
May it bring you guidance and insight in each moment that long for extra love.

All you have to do is write an email with title "subsription newsletter"
and send it to mista.peo.is@gmail.com (Your coördinates will only be used for the newsletter.)

Message received after painting the canvas:

Cover yourself with love 
is each tone colored with the vibration of your heart. 
Its sounds are truth from the soul of our world 
and raise the inner child to one verse 
that sees without any constrictions 
into the vastness of our being.
Books are on shelves, 
music is in the sky, 
words are in our mouth, 
tongues sing like fire, 
soul is sound, 
color you with it.
Energy is life, 
Life is growth 
in constant being 
from death and birth is all intertwined 
with the glow of the earth in heavenly skies.
Our mother spreads its wings around the earth 
and gives with all her might the wonder of you in each of us. 
Let her sound be your source that keeps us safe in the haven of the covenant 
is all together and all inside. 
Let it speak and give it rise to all. 

For You With Love 


vrijdag 29 januari 2016

Soul Painting for us all in 2016

Finally it is ready our soul painting for 2016! It took way longer than was forseen and my heart is thankfull for the message which is shared with us. This year will be a year of big transformations for many of us.

We will see a huge change on a global scale. Important is to stay connected with your true nature. Keep on having faith in it no matter what encounters you in any moment of time. The divine mother is and will be strongly present this year. Enjoy every color of it, each vibe is a portal to higher dimensions that support you on your journey. With love for You, 
Hildegarde Lisa Follon

Your Soul Painitng is received during a state of inner peace and love.
Via detachment my heart opens for the source 
that speaks and reveals the soul of the earth. 
This painting is a support during your daily life and during turning points in your life. 
It gives you energy which you can find in each color, symbol. 
Meditation, contemplation about it will give you portals to other dimensions 
that will guide you through the landscape of the painting and your journey. 
May its message help you spread your souls wings . 
May it connect people and nations. 
May it reveal and uplift our inner child to the heart of the world that we are. 
With love for You