...to relax and heal your inner child, your soul and heart.
dinsdag 28 juni 2016
Peace and quietness ...

zondag 26 juni 2016
2016.1 Update: Stay United from Within_SoulMessage for the world.
'God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.'
Reinhold Niebuhr
Dear Friends,
During the next months there will be more updates posted. Follow me to stay tuned via facebook.com/mistapeois or www.youtube.com/user/mistapeois.
The split of the U.K. with Europe, as is explained in the video, has been shown to me in the beginning of the year in January. Some good friends are since that month aware of the message and events which might occur during the rest of the year.
The vision tells me that whatever will happen is for the best of us all, whether there will be people deeply affected we will also be protected by a higher energy coming from deeper realms. Still we also can help make the difference for us all to stay tuned in love, peace and harmony. It is by our higher consciousness that we can help lessen the impact of a possible event that might happen within some months after the split of the U.K with Europe.
The information that will be shared with you on my blog about 2016.1 will stay uplifting, positive and will be a message of love and peace. The following video is a guidance to keep up the good in us to stay integer in all our actions. May it give you strength to stay in truth with your higher being, your inner self.
The next months you will find more information about 2016.1 on my blog via the tab 2016.1.
It will be shown to you in a way that goes beyond words.
With love for You, All and Nature.
Do read also this inspiring article of Ram Dass Doing Your Own Being. Thank You.

vrijdag 3 juni 2016
Live your Inner Guide Free Session * 4 : 'Do as you are from the heart.'
LIVE YOU INNER GUIDE is a free way to broaden your perspective during little moments that we share together on my YouTube-Account.
Each session talks about a theme that is lively received via my intuitive calling in the moment. Each session is also an introduction to my workbook/workshop ELYSSA GOES FOR YOUR BELOVED (in Nederlands-Dutch and English) which is launched in 2013 after the publication of my book Elyssa. For more info:http://hildegardelisafollon.blogspot.be
The book and workshop are an inner guidance that directs you to the mission of your soul. They are a guidance on the road to your self-realization and give you paintings, exercices and meditations that let you reveal your true essence, your souls mission.
More info: https://www.hildegardelisafollon.blogspot.be
Dive into Your Inner Guide Free Session * 4 and do comment from the Heart why you should win your Personal Soul Message.
Follow these links to previous sessions Dive into Your Inner Guide Free Session * 3 / Dive into Your Inner Guide Free Session * 2 / Dive into Your Inner Guide Free Session * 1
We will let the moment decide who will win the message intuitively received by Hildegarde Lisa Follon. Good luck! Visit also https://www.mistapeois.blogspot.be
Each session talks about a theme that is lively received via my intuitive calling in the moment. Each session is also an introduction to my workbook/workshop ELYSSA GOES FOR YOUR BELOVED (in Nederlands-Dutch and English) which is launched in 2013 after the publication of my book Elyssa. For more info:http://hildegardelisafollon.blogspot.be
The book and workshop are an inner guidance that directs you to the mission of your soul. They are a guidance on the road to your self-realization and give you paintings, exercices and meditations that let you reveal your true essence, your souls mission.
More info: https://www.hildegardelisafollon.blogspot.be
Dive into Your Inner Guide Free Session * 4 and do comment from the Heart why you should win your Personal Soul Message.
Follow these links to previous sessions Dive into Your Inner Guide Free Session * 3 / Dive into Your Inner Guide Free Session * 2 / Dive into Your Inner Guide Free Session * 1
We will let the moment decide who will win the message intuitively received by Hildegarde Lisa Follon. Good luck! Visit also https://www.mistapeois.blogspot.be
Since my childhood I receive messages, colors and symbols that give direction on your path of inner development and awareness. People who are supported with the flow of the received words and energy are still thankful for the insights and guidance that came out of it.
May the message shared here with you give the support to let you feel protected and loved. May it give you the strength to let you make the step towards a more joyful life in tune with your divine You.
Please share in a comment how you experienced our moment together? What makes you step on the road of your Souls'Mission?

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