Hildegarde Lisa Follon, Driving force of “MistaPeo * is” invites you to return to your true self.
“MistaPeo * is”...
... is the journey of the woman & child who travel through the rooms of the soul to the infinite field of their inner calling; the beloved pioneer woman & child they are. The language they learn there, takes shape in releasing what keeps them from the essence, the unique creature they are. From this mind-broadening perspective they become the creators of their life where they manifest each dream into the reality of their social and professional life.
... is in your heart and travels with you as your inner voice. It’s your friend who helps you in specifying the right direction towards realizing your dreams.
... teaches you to connect with your own companion, the genius of your life that awakens the gift by the unfolding of your loved one, the master of yourself.
“Learn to interpret from your authentic self so that the soul of your true nature
is activated with the language of your heart.”
” Travel through the spectrum of the inner child to discover yourself in unconditional love that speaks the language of the heart. Let your imagination be stimulated with the gift HildegardeLisa shares here with you in the moment you are.