vrijdag 17 januari 2014

Sing it, dance it, be it and let it be

Every beginning of the New Year I share a message with you and this year I started to paint a canvas. 
It’s a canvas or painting for us all. 
It gives a nice vibration for the beginning of the year and I will share the message 
receiving it in the now together with you here now.

“Be the butterfly that you are,

Let is rise as the light that you are from within.

Bring it into creation with all that you do,
with all that you are,
with all that you share.

Be in connection with your higher source, which is your spirit,
conscious of the universe from within.

In the stillness of your being, is all as it is.
Nothing has to be because all is.

Use your wings to fly in all directions that your breath is guiding you.
Listen to the voice of your heart
and spread every vibration with the music that you are
Sing it, dance it, be it and let it be.

Every word that we share, every smile that we are, is connected
from the child within to the parents that gave you birth on this earth.
Be the warmth of your hearts.
Unite them in the flame that you are and be the fire
that endlessly burns for love in our hearts.

This is peace, this is silence, this is joy.
Let’s collaborate with each other
let’s all be from the heart,
use your wings to fly as the butterfly
as you are in 2014 and endlessly in eternity.

May these colors, may these symbols be a support during your journey from the very source that you are.

Let all colors be an inspiration 

because we all are the rainbow that bridges all worlds in one."

Happy New Year! Happy 2014!

May peace and love always be with you.

Blessings on your way

