zondag 21 augustus 2016

Update 2016.1 : The observer makes peace with the insurmountable.


Vision received during the night of the 20th to the 21st of August

    Pencil Sketch on Cardboard 

Books are on shelves, 

music is in the sky, 

words are in our mouth, 

tongues sing like fire, 

soul is sound, 

color you with it.'

Fragment from soulmessage 
2016.1 for the world

Two magnetic blue violet light beings dance in the sky.
Their soft intense glow misleads with sweet intoxication
motion increases fluent energy into hectic, irascible energy.
...Sudden deathly silence reveals a dense lifeless gray sky ....
is split in half with a fiery impact
blinding white light heads towards the eyes of the observer
make peace with the insurmountable.


Credit: Jurik Peter / Shutterstock.com

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